

  1. Gaspar Alfaro, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Hamming distance as a measure of spatial chaos in evolutionary games, Phys. Rev. E, 109, 014203, 2024.
  2. Mattia Coccolo, Miguel A. F. Sanjuan. Nonlinear delayed forcing drives a non-delayed Duffing oscillator. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 128, 107635 (2024)
  3. Julia Cantisán, Alexandre R. Nieto, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Energy-based stochastic resetting can avoid noise-enhanced stability. Phys. Rev. E 109, 024201 (2024)
  4. Irina Bashkirtseva, Lev Ryashko, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuan. Chaotic transitions in a tumor-immune model under chemotherapy treatment. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 132, 107946 (2024)
  5. David Valle, Alexandre Wagemakers, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Deep Learning-based Analysis of Basins of Attraction.Chaos 34, 033105 (2024)
  6. Rubén Capeáns and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Partial Control and Beyond: Controlling Chaotic Transients with the Safety Function. Symmetry 16, 338 (2024)
  7. Mattia Coccolo, Jesus M. Seoane, and Miguel AF Sanjuan. Fractional damping induces resonant behavior in the Duffing oscillator. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 133, 107965 (2024).
  8. Jianhua Yang, S. Rajasekar, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Vibrational Resonance: A Review. Physics Reports 1067, 1-62 (2024)
  9. Mattia Coccolo, Jesús M. Seoane, Stefano Lenci, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuan. Phase control of escapes in the fractional damped Helmholtz oscillator. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 183, 114918 (2024)
  10. Javier Used, Jesús M. Seoane, Irina Bashkirtseva, Lev Ryashko, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuan. Synchronization of two non-identical Chialvo neurons. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 183, 114888 (2024)
  11. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. More than the Sum of the Parts. Complexity in Physics and Beyond, review of a book of the same title by Helmut Satz (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2022) Contemporary Physics (2024)
  12. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. A Mind Over Matter. Philip Anderson and the Physics of the Very Many, review of a book of the same title by Andrew Zangwill (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2021) Contemporary Physics (2024)
  13. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Dynamics of Planetary Systems. Essay review of the book \textit{ Dynamics of Planetary Systems } by Scott Tremaine (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2023). Contemporary Physics (2024)
  14. Fernando Blesa, Juan D. Bernal, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Relativistic chaotic scattering: Unveiling scaling laws for trapped trajectories. Phys. Rev. E 109, 044204 (2024)
  15. Alexandre R. Nieto, Rubén Capeáns, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Systematic search for islets of stability in the standard map for large parameter values. Nonlinear Dyn (2024).
  16. Rahil N. Valani, Álvaro G. López. Quantum-like behavior of an active particle in a double-well potential. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 186 115253 (2024).
  17. Álvaro G. López, Rahil N. Valani. Unpredictable tunneling in a retarded bistable potential. Chaos 34, 043117 (2024).


  1. Juan M. Muñoz, Alexandre Wagemakers, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Planetary influences on the solar cycle: A nonlinear dynamics approach, Chaos, 33 123102, 2023.
  2. Julia Cantisán, Serhiy Yanchuk, Jesús M. Seoane, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, Jürgen Kurths. Rate and memory effects in bifurcation-induced tipping, Physical Review E, 108, 024203, 2023.
  3. Julia Cantisán, Jesús M. Seoane, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán Rotating cluster formations emerge in an ensemble of active particles, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 172, 113531, 2023.
  4. Irina Bashkirtseva, Lev Ryashko, Javier Used, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Noise-induced complex dynamics and synchronization in the map-based Chialvo neuron model. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 116, 106867, 2023.
  5. Mattia Coccolo, Jesús M. Seoane, Stefano Lenci, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Fractional damping effects on the transient dynamics of the Duffing oscillator. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 117, 106959, 2023.
  6. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Set Theory and Its Applications in Physics and Computing, review of a book of the same title by Yair Shapira (World Scientific, Singapore, 2022) Contemporary Physics, 2023.
  7. Rubén Capeáns and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Controlling chaotic transients in the Hénon and the Lozi map with the safety function. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2023.
  8. Zijian Qiao, Shuai Chen, Zhihui Lai, Shengtong Zhou, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Harmonic-Gaussian double-well potential stochastic resonance with its application to enhance weak fault characteristics of machinery. Nonlinear Dynamics 111, 7293-7307, 2023.
  9. Shengping Huang, Jiacheng Zhang, Jianhua Yang , Houguang Liu. Logical vibrational resonance in a symmetric bistable system: numerical and experimental studies. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 119, 107123, 2023.
  10. Alexandre Wagemakers, Alvar Daza and Miguel AF Sanjuán. Using the basin entropy to explore bifurcations. Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 175, 113963, 2023.
  11. George Datseris, Kalel Luiz Rossi, Alexandre Wagemakers. Framework for global stability analysis of dynamical systems. Chaos 33, 073151, 2023.
  12. Álvaro G. López. Orbit quantization in a retarded harmonic oscillator. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 170, 113412, 2023.
  13. Álvaro G. López. Contextuality and correlation loopholes are equivalent. EPL 142, 20001, 2023.
  14. Álvaro G. López, Fernando Benito, Juan Sabuco, Alfonso Delgado-Bonal. The thermodynamic efficiency of the Lorenz system. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 172, 113521, 2023.
  15. Alvar Daza, Alexandre Wagemakers, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Unpredictability and basin entropy. Europhysics Letters 141, 43001 (2023)
  16. Blanca Nieto, Manuel Durán-Poveda, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel AF Sanjuán. A dynamical model of the immune system interaction in a melanoma. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 122, 107248, 2023.
  17. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. The fascinating world of the physics of animal navigation. SIF prima pagina, N.112, April 2023.
  18. Alexandre R. Nieto, Jesus M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Period-doubling bifurcations and islets of stability in two-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian systems. Phys. Rev. E 107, 054215, 2023.
  19. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Set Theory and Its Applications in Physics and Computing, review of a book of the same title by Yair Shapira (World Scientific, Singapore, 2022) Contemporary Physics 63:4, 333-334, 2023.
  21. Zhongqi Xu, Zhongqiu Wang, Jianhua Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Bowen Sun, and Shengping Huang. Aperiodic stochastic resonance in a biased monostable system excited by different weak aperiodic pulse signals and strong noise. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 138, 386, 2023.
  22. Jiajia Li, Rong Wang, Pan Lin, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Ying Wu. Multi-scale dynamics modeling of brain physiological functions and pathological mechanisms. Frontiers in Neuroscience 17, 1275481, 2023.
  23. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. When Things Grow Many. Complexity, Universality and Emergence in Nature, review of a book of the same title by L. S. Schulman (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2022) Contemporary Physics 64(1), 90-91, 2023.
  24. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Stochastic Thermodynamics: An Introduction, review of a book of the same title by Luca Peliti and Simone Pigolotti (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, USA, 2021) Contemporary Physics,2023.
  25. Shangyuan Li, Zhongqiu Wang, Jianhua Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Shengping Huang, and Litai Lou. Ultrasensitive vibrational resonance induced by small disturbances. Chaos 33, 123111, 2023.
  26. Antonio A. Valido, Mattia Coccolo, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Time-delayed Duffing oscillator in an active bath. Phys. Rev. E 108, 064205, 2023.


  1. Juan D. Bernal, Jesus M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuan. Relativistic Chaotic Scattering In: J.A. Tenreiro Machado and D. Volchenkov (eds.) Mathematical Methods in Modern Complexity Science (Nonlinear Systems and Complexity 33) Springer, Berlin, 2022.
  2. Zhen Shan, Jianhua Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Chengjin Wu, and Houguang Liu. A novel adaptive moving average method for signal denoising in strong noise background. European Physics Journal Plus 137, 50, 2022.
  3. Alexandre R. Nieto, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Noise activates escapes in closed Hamiltonian systems. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 105, 106074, 2022.
  4. Jaume Ojer, Alvaro G. López, Javier Used, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. A stochastic hybrid model with a fast concentration bias for chemotactic cellular attraction. Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 156, 111792, 2022.
  5. Rubén Capeáns and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Beyond partial control: Controlling chaotic transients with the safety function. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022.
  6. George Datseris and Alexandre Wagemakers. Effortless estimation of basins of attraction. Chaos 32, 023104, 2022.
  7. Alvar Daza, Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Classifying basins of attraction using the basin entropy. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 159, 112112, 2022.
  8. Donghwan Kim, Alhun Aydin, Alvar Daza, Kobra N. Avanaki, Joonas Keski-Rahkonen, and Eric J. Heller. Coherent charge carrier dynamics in the presence of thermal lattice vibrations. Physical Review B, 054311, 106(5), 2022
  9. Rubén Capeáns and Miguel AF Sanjuán. Controlling chaotic transients in the Hénon and the Lozi map with the safety function. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 1-9, 2022.
  10. Antonio A. Valido. Quantum kinetic theory of flux-carrying Brownian particles. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 073103 2022.
  11. David Valle, Alexandre Wagemakers, Alvar Daza and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Characterization of Fractal Basins Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 32, 13, 2250200, 2022.
  12. Alexandre R. Nieto, Thomas Lilienkamp, Jesús M. Seoane, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, and Ulrich Parlitz: Control of escapes in two-degree-of-freedom open Hamiltonian systems. Chaos 32, 063118, 2022.
  13. Alexandre R. Nieto, Jesús M. Seoane, Roberto Barrio, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán: A mechanism explaining the metamorphoses of KAM islands in nonhyperbolic chaotic scattering. Nonlinear Dynamics 109, 1123-1133, 2022."
  14. Diego S. Fernández, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán: Weak dissipation drives and enhances Wada basins in three-dimensional chaotic scattering. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 156, 111891, 2022."
  15. Gaspar Alfaro and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán: Time-dependent effects hinder cooperation on the public goods game. Chaos Solitons and Fractals 160, 112206.
  16. J. Alberto Conejero, Marina Murillo-Arcila, Jesús M. Seoane, Juan B. Seoane-Sepúlveda: When Does Chaos Appear While Driving? Learning Dynamical Systems Via Car-Following Models. Mathematics Magazine 95, 301-313, 2022.
  17. Tao Gong, Jianhua Yang, Miguel A F Sanjuán, and Houguang Liu. Adaptive stochastic resonance for bolt looseness identification under strong noise background. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 17, 071003-1-17, 2022.
  18. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. An introduction for physicists and engineers, review of a book of the same title by Samya Zain (IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK, 2021). Contemporary Physics, 2022.
  19. Tao Gong, Jianhua Yang, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, Houguang Liu, and Zhen Shan. Vibrational resonance by using a real-time scale transformation method. Physica Scripta 97, 045207, 2022.
  20. Mengen Shen; Wenbo Jiang; Miguel A. F. Sanjuán; Yuqiao Zheng. Stochastic resonance in image denoising as an alternative to traditional methods and deep learning. Nonlinear Dynamics 109(3), 2163-2183, 2022.
  21. Akif Akgul, Marcelo A. Savi, Mustafa Zahid Yildiz, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Jun Ma. Complex bio rhythms. Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 231, 815-818, 2022.
  22. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. A random walk in physics. Beyond black holes and time-travels, review of a book of the same title by Massimo Cencini, Andrea Puglisi, Davide Vergni, and Angelo Vulpiani (Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021) Contemporary Physics 62(4), 246-247, 2022.
  23. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. The Man from the Future: The Visionary Life of John von Neumann, Ananyo Bhattacharya, Allen Lane (2021). Revista Española de Física 36(1), 52 2022.
  24. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Orden, desorden y complejidad. Un camino hacia el orígen de la vida, Manuel J. Tello, Editorial la Catarata (2022). Revista Española de Física 36(3), 45, 2022.
  25. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Theory of the Spread of Epidemics and Movement Ecology of Animals. An Interdisciplinary Approach using Methodologies of Physics and Mathematics, review of a book of the same title by V. M. (Nitant) Kenkre and Luca Giuggioli (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2021) Contemporary Physics 63(1), 64, 2022.


  1. Andreu Puy, Alvar Daza, Alexandre Wagemakers, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. A test for fractal boundaries based on the basin entropy. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, 95, 105588, 2021.
  2. Irina Bashkirtseva, Lev Ryashko, Alvaro G. L, Jesus M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. The effect of time ordering and concurrency in a mathematical model of chemoradiotherapy. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, 96, 105693, 2021.
  3. Alexandre Wagemakers, Alvar Daza and Miguel AF Sanjuán. How to detect Wada Basins. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 26, 717-739 , 2021.
  4. Julia Cantisán, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel AF Sanjuán. Transient dynamics for the Lorenz system with a parameter drift. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 31, 2150029, 2021.
  5. Julia Cantisán, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel AF Sanjuán. Transient chaos in time-delayed systems subjected to parameter drift. Journal of Physics: Complexity, 2, 025001-10, 2021.
  6. Miguel AF Sanjuán, Unpredictability, Uncertainty and Fractal Structures in Physics. Chaos Theory and Applications, 3(2), 1-4, 2021.
  7. V. Chinnathambi, S. Rajasekar, and M.A.F. Sanjuán. Enhanced Vibrational Resonance by an Amplitude Modulated Force. In: M. Ragulskis, S. Rajasekar, and J. Awrejcewicz (eds.) "Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics". World Scientific, Singapore, 2021, pp.15-39.
  8. Mattia Coccolo, Julia Cantisán, Jesús M. Seoane, S. Rajasekar, and Miguel AF Sanjuán. Delay-induced resonance suppresses damping-induced unpredictability. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. 379, 20200232, 2021.
  9. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Artificial Intelligence, Chaos, Prediction and Understanding in Science. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 31(11), 21501731--13, 2021.
  10. Miguel A.F. Sanjuan. Book Review on the book: General Fractional Derivatives: Theory, Methods and Applications, by Xiao-Jun Yang, Chapman and Hall/CRC (Taylor \& Francis Group), Boca Raton, London and New York, 2019, 364 Pages, 32 B/W Illustrations, GBP 115, ISBN 978-1-138-33616-2. Scope: Monograph. Level: advanced undergraduate, postgraduate, researchers, scientists, and engineers. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 44(5), 4208--4209, 2021
  11. Jorge Duarte, Cristina Januario, Nuno Martins, Jesus Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuan. Controlling infectious diseases: the decisive phase effect on a seasonal vaccination strategy. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 31, 2130044, 2021.
  12. Gaspar Alfaro, Rubén Capeáns, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuan. Forcing the escape: Partial control of escaping orbits from a transient chaotic region. Nonlinear Dynamics,104, 1603--1612, 2021.
  13. Loreta Saunoriene, Minvydas Ragulskis, Jinde Cao, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán . Wada index based on the weighted and truncated Shannon entropy. Nonlinear Dynamics 104, 739--751, 2021.
  14. Diego S. Fernández, Alvaro G. López, Jesus M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuan. Ergodic decay laws in Newtonian and relativistic chaotic scattering. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, 103, 105987, 2021.
  15. Mengen Shen, Jianhua Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Houguang Liu and Yuqiao Zheng. Adaptive Denoising for Strong Noisy Images by Using Positive Effects of Noise. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136, 2021
  16. Alexandre R Nieto, Jesus M Seoane, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Final state sensitivity in noisy chaotic scattering. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 150, 111181, 2021
  17. Alexandre R. Nieto, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Trapping enhanced by noise in nonhyperbolic and hyperbolic chaotic scattering. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 102, 105905, 2021.
  18. Huayu Liu, Jianhua Yang, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, Improvement in the stochastic resonance in the Duffing oscillator subjected to a Poisson white noise excitation. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136, 528, 2021.
  19. Mengen Shen, Jianhua Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuan, Houguang Liu, Yuqiao Zheng. Adaptive Denoising for Strong Noisy Images by Using Positive Effects of Noise. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136, 698, 2021.
  20. Shengping Huang, Jianhua Yang, Huayu Liu, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuan. Effect of Static Bifurcation on Logical Stochastic Resonance in a Symmetric Bistable System. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 31, 2150246, 2021.
  21. Jan Awrejcewicz, Miguel A. F. Sanjuan. Introduction to Focus Issue: Recent Advances in Modeling Complex Systems: Theory and Applications. Chaos 31(7), 070401-1-6, 2021
  22. Irina Bashkirtseva, Lev Ryashko, Jorge Duarte, Jesus M. Seoane, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuan. The role of noise in the tumor dynamics under chemotherapy treatment. The European Physical Journal Plus 136, 1123, 2021.
  23. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. A modern approach to teaching classical mechanics. Contemporary Physics 62(1), 46-49, 2021
  24. Julia Cantisán, Jesus M. Seoane, and Miguel AF Sanjuan. Stochastic resetting in the Kramers problem: a Monte Carlo approach. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 152, 111342, 2021.
  25. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Ultimas noticias del universo. Jon Marcaide Espasa (2021). Revista Española de Física 35(3), 55, 2021.
  26. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. La gran aventura de la exploración de Marte. Luis Vázquez Martínez, María Pilar Velasco Cebrián y José Luis Vázquez Poletti (eds.). Guillermo Escolar Editor (2021). Revista Española de Física 35(3), 57, 2021.
  27. Alvar Daza, Eric J. Heller, Anton M. Graf, and Esa Räsänen. Propagation of waves in high Brillouin zones: Chaotic branched flow and stable superwires. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(40), 2021.
  28. Álvaro G. López. Dynamics in fractal spaces. Fractals 29, 2150016 ,2021.
  29. Álvaro G. López, Rustam Ali, Laxmikanta Mandi, Prasanta Chatterjee. Average conservative chaos in quantum plasmas. Chaos 31, 013104, 2021.
  30. Alfonso Delgado-Bonal, Álvaro G. López. Quantifying the randomness of the forex market. Physica A 569, 125770, 2021.
  31. Álvaro G. López. Stability analysis of the uniform motion of electrodynamic bodies. Physica Scripta 96, 015506, 2021.


  1. Irina Bashkirtseva, Lev Ryashko, Alvaro G. López, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Tumor stabilization induced by T-cell recruitment fluctuations. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30(12), 2050179, 2020.
  2. Alexandre Wagemakers, Alvar Daza, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. The saddle-straddle method to test for Wada basins. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 84, 105167, 2020.
  3. Jianhua Yang, Shuai Zhang , Miguel A F Sanjuán, Houguang Liu. Time-frequency analysis of optimal nonlinear resonances. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 85, 105258, 2020.
  4. Chengjin Wu, Zhiqiang Wang, Jianhua Yang, Dawen Huang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Adaptive piecewise re-scaled stochastic resonance excited by the LFM signal. European Physical Journal Plus 135(1), 130, 2020.
  5. Julia Cantisán, M. Coccolo, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel AF Sanjuán. Delay-Induced Resonance in the Time-Delayed Duffing Oscillator. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30 (3), 2030007, 2020.
  6. Alexandre R. Nieto, Euaggelos E. Zotos, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Measuring the transition between nonhyperbolic and hyperbolic regimes in open Hamiltonian systems. Nonlinear Dynamics 99, 3029–3039, 2020.
  7. Tadas Telksnys, Zenonas Navickas, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Romas Marcinkevicius, and Minvydas Ragulskis. Kink solitary solutions to a hepatitis C evolution model. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B 25(11), 4427-4447, 2020.
  8. Jiaqi Zhang, Jianhua Yang, Zhencai Zhu, Gang Shen, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Effects of different fast periodic excitations on the pitchfork bifurcation and vibrational resonance. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30 (6), 2050092, 2020
  9. Chengjin Wu, Jianhua Yang, Miguel A F Sanjuán and Houguang Liu. Stochastic resonance induced by an unknown linear frequency modulated signal in a strong noise background. Chaos 30, 043128, 2020
  10. L. Ryashko, I. Bashkirtseva and M. A. F. Sanjuán, Control of Treatment in Tumor Dynamical Model with Hysteresis, 2020 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT), Yekaterinburg, Russia, pp. 0132-0135, 2020
  11. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Vibrations, 3rd Edition, review of a book of the same title by Balakumar Balachandran and Edward B. Magrab (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2018). Contemporary Physics 61(1), 65-66, 2020
  12. Juan D. Bernal, Jess M. Seoane, Juan C. Vallejo, Liang Huang, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Influence of the gravitational radius on the asymptotic behavior of the relativistic Sitnikov problem. Phys. Rev. E 102, 042204, 2020
  13. Diego S. Fernández, Álvaro G. López, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Transient chaos under coordinate transformations in relativistic systems, Physical Review E 101, 062212, 2020
  14. Predictability of Chaotic Dynamics. A finite-time Lyapunov exponent approach by Juan C. Vallejo and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. (Springer Series in Synergetics) Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2nd. 2019. ISBN 978-3-030-28629-3.
  15. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán.An Essay on the Origins and Development of Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Complex Systems. In Proceedings from the 1st Conference on Nonlinearity, (October 11-12, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia) Editors: Branko Dragovich and Zeljko Cupic. Publisher Serbian Academy of Nonlinear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia (2020). pp. 201-240. ISBN: 978-86-905633-4-0
  16. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Lord Robert May of Oxford: un cientı́fico excepcional que buscó la sencillez de lo complejo. Revista Española de Fı́sica 34(2), 47-50, 2020.
  17. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Tien-Yien Li: una vida dedicada a la investigación y la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Boletı́n de la RSME, Nº 675, pp. 9-10, 3 de julio de 2020.
  18. Adolfo Ortiz, Jianhua Yang, Mattia Coccolo, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Fractional damping enhances chaos in the nonlinear Helmholtz oscillator. Nonlinear Dynamics, 102, 2323, 2020.
  19. Álvaro G. López. On an electrodynamic origin of quantum fluctuations. Nonlinear Dynamics 102, 620-634, 2020.
  20. Francisco J. Escribano, Alexandre Wagemakers. Performance Analysis of QAM-MPPM in Turbulence-Free FSO Channels: Accurate Derivations and Practical Approximations. IEEE System Journal 99, 1-11, 2020.
  21. Francisco J. Escribano, Alexandre Wagemakers, Georges Kaddoum and Juan V.C. Evangelis. A Spatial Time-Frequency Hopping Index Modulated Scheme in Turbulence-free Optical Wireless Communication Channels. IEEE Transactions on Communication 68, 4437-4450, 2020


  1. Pengxiang Jia, Jianhua Yang, Xin Zhang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán.Amplification of the LFM signal by using piecewise vibrational methods. Journal of Vibration and Control 25(1), 141-150, 2019.
  2. Alvaro G. López, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Modelling cancer dynamics using cellular automata. In: Toni, Bourama and Berezovskaya, Faina (eds.) “Advanced Mathematical Methods in Bioscience and Applications. Series STEAM-H: Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Mathematics & Health”, Springer, Cham, 2019.
  3. Dawen Huang, Jianhua Yang, Dengji Zhou, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Houguang Liu.Recovering an unknown signal completely submerged in strong noise by a new stochastic resonance method. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat. 66, 156-166, 2019.
  4. Álvaro G.López, Kelly C.Iarosz, Antonio M. Batista, Jesús M. Seoane, Ricardo L. Viana, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Nonlinear cancer chemotherapy: modelling the Norton-Simon hypothesis. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat. 70, 307-317, 2019.
  5. Roberto Lozano, Javier Used, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Fourier analysis of a delayed Rulkov neuron network. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 75, 62-75, 2019.
  6. Rubén Capeáns, Juan Sabuco, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. A new approach of the partial control method in chaotic systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 98, 873-887, 2019.
  7. Francisco J. Escribano, José B. Sáez-Landete and Alexandre Wagemakers. Chaos-Based Multicarrier VLC Modulator with Compensation of LED Nonlinearity. IEEE Transactions on Communication 67, 590-598, 2019.
  8. Francisco J. Escribano, Alexandre Wagemakers, Georges Kaddoum and Juan V. C. Evangelis. Design and Performance Analysis of an Index Time Frequency Modulation Scheme for Optical Communications. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 13, 1403-1416, 2019.
  9. Pengxiang Jia, Jianhua Yang, Xin Zhang, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. On the LFM signal improvement by piecewise vibrational resonance. IET Signal Processing 13, 65--69, 2019.
  10. Dawen Huang, Jianhua Yang, Dengji Zhou, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Houguang Liu. Recovering an unknown signal completely submerged in strong noise by a new stochastic resonance method. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat. 66, 156--166, 2019.
  11. Álvaro G. López, Kelly C. Iarosz, Antonio M. Batista, Jesús M. Seoane, Ricardo L. Viana, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. The role of dose density in combination cancer chemotherapy. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat. 79, 104918-1-13, 2019.
  12. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. The semiclassical way to dynamics and spectroscopy, review of a book of the same title by Eric J. Heller (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2018). Contemporary Physics, 60:1, 86-87, 2019.
  13. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Some critical questions in biological physics: a guided tour around the bugbears, review of a book of the same title by Thomas Waigh (IOP Publishing, Bristol, 2018). Contemporary Physics, 60(1), 82-83, 2019.
  14. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Applied symbolic dynamics and chaos, 2nd edition, review of a book of the same title by Bailin Hao and Weimou Zheng (World Scientific, Singapore, 2018). Contemporary Physics 60(3), 263-264, 2019.
  15. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Mathematical methods in science and engineering, 2nd edition, review of a book of the same title by by Selçuk S. Bayin (Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2018). Contemporary Physics 60(3), 263, 2019.
  16. Jan Awrejcewicz, Bjorn Birnir, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Preface to the Special Issue: Nonlinear systems theory and applications in engineering, control and life sciences. Nonlinear Dynamics 97, 1783-1784, 2019.


  1. A. Daza, Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Ascertaining when a basin is Wada: The merging method. Scientific Reports 8, 9954, 2018.
  2. Chengjin Wu, Shang Lv, Juncai Long, Jianhua Yang, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Self-similarity and adaptive aperiodic stochastic resonance in a fractional-order system. Nonlinear Dynamics 91, 1697-1711, 2018.
  3. Asaf Levi, Juan Sabuco, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Supply based on demand dynamical model.Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 57, 402-414, 2018.
  4. R. S. Oyarzabal, J. D. Szezech Jr, A. M. Batista, J.M.Seoane, and M. A. F. Sanjuán.Stochastic resonance in dissipative drift motion. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat. 54, 62--69, 2018.
  5. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Nature's Third Cycle: A Story of Sunspots, review of a book of the same title by Arnab Rai Choudhuri (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017). Contemporary Physics 59(1), 106-107, 2018.
  6. Alexandre R. Nieto, Jesús M. Seoane, J. E. Alvarellos, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Resonant behavior and unpredictability in forced chaotic scattering. Phys. Rev. E 98, 062206, 2018.
  7. Alexandre Wagemakers, Javier Used and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Reducing the number of time delays in coupled dynamical systems. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 227, 1281-1289, 2018.
  8. Mattia Coccolo, BeiBei Zhu, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, and Jesús M. Sanz-Serna.Bogdanov-Takens resonance in time-delayed systems. Nonlinear Dynamics 91, 1939--1947, 2018.
  9. P. X. Jia, C. J. Wu, J. H. Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán and G. X. Liu. Improving the weak aperiodic signal by three kinds of vibrational resonance. Nonlinear Dynamics 91(4), 2699--2713, 2018.
  10. Rubén Capeáns, Juan Sabuco, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán.Partial control of delay-coordinate maps. Nonlinear Dynamics 92, 1419--1429, 2018.
  11. Yoshitaka Saiki, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and James A. Yorke.Low-dimensional paradigms for high-dimensional hetero-chaos. Chaos 28, 103110, 2018
  12. Mattia Coccolo, BeiBei Zhu, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, and Jesús M. Sanz-Serna.Bogdanov-Takens resonance in time-delayed systems. Nonlinear Dynamics 91, 1939--1947, 2018.
  13. Alvar Daza, Jake O. Shipley, Sam R. Dolan, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Wada structures in a binary black hole system. Physical Review D 98, 084050, 2018.
  14. Juan D. Bernal, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán.Uncertainty dimension and basin entropy in relativistic chaotic scattering. Phys. Rev. E 97, 042214, 2018.
  15. Ruben Capeáns, Juan Sabuco, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Partial control of chaos: how to avoid undesirable behaviors with small controls in presence of noise. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B 23(8), 3237-3274, 2018.
  16. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Y yo quiero ser... Físico. CIENCIA, y yo quiero ser científico!!!. Quintín Garrido Garrido (ed.), Madrid, 2018.
  17. Asaf Levi, Juan Sabuco, Michael Small and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. From local uncertainty to global predictions: Making predictions on fractal basins. PLoS ONE 13(4), e0194926, 2018.
  18. Alvaro G. López, Alvar Daza, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán.Computing Complex Horseshoes by Means of Piecewise Maps. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 28(12), 1830039, 2018.
  19. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Natural Complexity: A Modelling Handbook, review of a book of the same title by Paul Charbonneau (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, USA, 2017). Contemporary Physics 9:2, 214-214, 2018.
  20. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Modern classical physics: optics, fluids, plasmas, elasticity, relativity, and statistical physics, , review of a book of the same title by Kip S. Thorne and Roger D. Blandford (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017). Contemporary Physics, 2018.
  21. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Nonequilibrium statistical physics: a modern perspective, review of a book of the same title by R. Livi and P. Politi (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017) Contemporary Physics 59(3), 316--317, 2018.
  22. Asaf Levi, Juan Sabuco, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. When the supply is the reflection of supplier expectations, chaos is overpowering the market. Advances in Engineering, General Engineering, December 24, 2018.
  23. A. Daza, A. Wagemakers, B. Georgeot, D. Guéry-Odelin, and M.A.F. Sanjuán. Basin entropy, a measure of final state unpredictability and its application to the chaotic scattering of cold atoms. In: Edelman, M., Macau, E.N.N., Sanjuán, M.A.F. (eds.) Chaotic, Fractional, and Complex Dynamics: New Insights and Perspectives. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2018.
  24. Mark Edelman, Elbert Macau and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. New Insights and Perspectives in Chaotic, Fractional, and Complex Dynamics. In: Edelman, M., Macau, E.N.N., Sanjuán, M.A.F. (eds.) Chaotic, Fractional, and Complex Dynamics: New Insights and Perspectives. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2018.
  25. Jianhua Yang, Dawen Huang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Houguang Liu.Vibrational Resonance in an Overdamped System with a Fractional Order Potential Nonlinearity. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 28(07):1850082, 2018.


  1. Alvaro G. Lopez, Kelly C. Iarosz, Antonio M- Batista, Jesús M. Seoane, Ricardo L. Viana, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.The dose-dense principle in chemotherapy.Journal of Theoretical Biology430, 169--176, 2017.
  2. H.G. Liu, X.L. Liu, J.H. Yang, Miguel D.F. Sanjuán and G. Cheng.Detecting the weak high-frequency character signal by vibrational resonance in the Duffing oscillator. Nonlinear Dynamics89 (4), 2621--2628, 2017.
  3. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Peregrinations from physics to phylogeny: essays on the occasion of Hao Bailin's 80th birthday, edited by K. K. Phua and M. Ge.Contemporary Physics58 (3), 298-299, 2017.
  4. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Introducción al caos determinista.Alambique: Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales89, 41-48, 2017.
  5. Jianhua Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Pengpeng Chen and Houguang Liu.Stochastic resonance in overdamped systems with fractional power nonlinearity.Eur. Phys. J. Plus132: 432, 2017.
  6. K. Abirami, S. Rajasekar and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Vibrational resonance in a harmonically trapped potential system.Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.47, 370–378, 2017.
  7. Juan D. Bernal, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán.Global relativistic effects in chaotic scattering.Phys. Rev. E95, 032205 2017.
  8. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán.An introduction to space plasma complexity, by Tom Tien Sun Chang.Contemporary Physics58(4), 358-359, 2017.
  9. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Entropy Demystified: The Second Law Reduced to Plain Common Sense 2nd Ed, review of a book of the same title by Arieh Ben-Naim (World Scientific, Singapore, 2016).Contemporary Physics58 (3), 272, 2017.
  10. Alvaro G. Lopez, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Bifurcation analysis and nonlinear decay of a tumor in the presence on an immune response.International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos27 (14), 1750223, 2017.
  11. Rubén Capeáns, Juan Sabuco and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Escaping from a chaotic saddle in the presence of noise.Int. J. Nonlinear Dynamics and Control1(1), 78-86, 2017.
  12. Rubén Capeáns, Juan Sabuco, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán and James A. Yorke.Partially controlling transient chaos in the Lorenz equations.Philos. T. R. Soc. A375, 20160211, 2017.
  13. Alvar Daza, Bertrand Georgeot, David Guéry-Odelin, Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán.Chaotic dynamics and fractal structures in experiments with cold atoms.Phys. Rev. A95, 013629, 2017.
  14. Alvar Daza, Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Wada property in systems with delay.Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.43, 220-226, 2017
  15. Álvaro G. López, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Dynamics of the cell mediated immune response to tumor growth. Philos. T. R. Soc. A 375, 20160291, 2017.
  16. Álvaro G. López, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Destruction of solid tumors by immune cells.Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.44, 390-403, 2017
  17. Ricardo S. Oyarzabal, José D. Szezech Jr, Antonio M. Batista, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Stochastic resonance in dissipative drift motion.Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.54, 62-69, 2018.
  18. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.Physics of cancer: the new adventure of physicists against cancer, essay review of the book Physics of cancer, by Claudia Tanja.(Institute of Physics, Bristol, 2015).Contemporary Physics58(2), 176-178, 2017.
  19. Juan C. Vallejo and Miguel A.F Sanjuán.Predictability of Chaotic Dynamics. A finite-time Lyapunov exponents approach.(Springer Series in Synergetics), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1st ed,2017.
  20. Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán.A new method to reduce the number of time delays in a network.Sci. Rep.7, 2744, 2017.
  21. J. H. Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán and H. G. Liu.Enhancing the weak signal with arbitrary high-frequency by vibrational resonance in fractional-order Duffing oscillators.J. Comput. Nonlin. Dyn.12(5), 051011 2017.
  22. J.H. Yang, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, H.G. Liu and H. Zhou.Noise-induced resonance at the subharmonic frequency in bistable systems.Nonlinear Dynam.87(3), 1721-1730, 2017.
  23. Asaf Levi, Juan Sabuco, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. When the firm prevents the crash: Avoiding market collapse with partial control. PLoS One, 12, e0181925, 2017.


  1. K. Abirami, S. Rajasekar and M.A.F. Sanjuán. Vibrational Resonance in a System with a Signum Nonlinearity. Interdiscip.J. Discontin. Nonlinearity Complex.5(1), 43-58, 2016.
  2. R. R. Borges, F. S. Borges, E. L. Lameu, A. M. Batista, K. C. Iarosz, I. L. Caldas, R. L. Viana and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Effects of the spike timing-dependent plasticity on the synchronisation in a random Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal network.Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 34, 12-22, 2016.
  3. Rubén Capeáns, Juan Sabuco and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Parametric Partial Control of Chaotic Systems. Nonlinear Dynam.86, 869-876. 2016.
  4. Vicente Crispín y Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. La Física del Cáncer.Revista Española de Física 30(1), 15-18, 2016
  5. Alvar Daza, Alexandre Wagemakers, Bertrand Georgeot, David Guéry-Odelin and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán Basin entropy: a new tool to analyze uncertainty in dynamical systems.Sci. Rep.6, 31416, 2016.
  6. Sijo K. Joseph and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Entanglement Entropy in a Triangular Billiard.Entropy18(3), 79, 2016.
  7. Sijo K. Joseph and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Exploring chaos and entanglement in the Hénon-Heiles system using squeezed coherent states.Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 26(3), 1650052, 2016.
  8. R. Jothimurugan, K. Thamilmaran, S. Rajasekar and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Multiple resonances and anti-resonances in coupled Duffing oscillators.Nonlinear Dynam.83, 1803-1814, 2016.
  9. Álvaro G. López, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Decay Dynamics of Tumors.PLOS ONE 11(6), e0157689, 2016.
  10. R. S. Oyarzabal, J. D. Szezech Jr, A. M. Batista, S. L. T. de Souza, I. L. Caldas, R. L. Viana, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Transient chaotic transport in dissipative drift motion.Phys. Lett. A 380, 1621-1626, 2016.
  11. Shanmuganathan Rajasekar and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Nonlinear Resonances.Springer Series in Synergetics 1st ed, 2016.
  12. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Waves and Oscillations in Nature. An Introduction, review of a book of the same title by A. Satya Narayanan and Swapan K. Saha(CRC Press, London, 2015). (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015). Contemp. Phys.57(3), 456-457, 2016.
  13. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. An Introduction to Stochastic Dynamics, review of a book of the same title by Jinqiao Duan (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015). Contemp. Phys.57(2), 286-287, 2016.
  14. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Modern Dynamics, essay review of the book ‘Introduction to Modern Dynamics: Chaos, Networks, Space and Time’ by David D. Nolte.(Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014). Contemp. Phys.57(2), 242-245, 2016.
  15. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Simulations of oscillatory systems: with award-winning software, physics of oscillations, edited by Eugene I. Butikov.(CRC Press, London, 2015). Contemp. Phys.57(2), 256-257, 2016.
  16. Juan C. Vallejo and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán.The role of dark matter haloes on the predictability of computed orbits. Astron. Astrophys. 595, A68, 2016.
  17. J.H. Yang, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán and H.G. Liu. Vibrational subharmonic and superharmonic resonances. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 30, 362-372, 2016.
  18. J.H. Yang, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, H.G. Liu, G. Litak and X. Li. Stochastic P-bifurcation and stochastic resonance in a noisy bistable fractional-order system. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 41, 104-117, 2016.


  1. Sijo K. Joseph and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Phase Control of Chaotic Maps, in: Nonlinear Dynamics, New Directions: Theoretical Aspects (or Models and Applications),eds.: H. González-Aguilar and E. Ugalde, Springer-Verlag, 2015, pp.175-194.
  2. Alexandre Wagemakers, Álvar Daza and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Electronic Modeling of Synthetic Genetic Networks, in Handbook of Bioelectronics. Directly interfacing electronics and biological systems, eds.: Sandro Carrara and Krzysztof Iniewski, Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. 266-274.
  3. Pablo Catalán, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Mutation-selection equilibrium in finite populations playing a Hawk-Dove game. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.25, 66-73, 2015.
  4. Mattia Coccolo, Grzegorz Litak, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Optimizing the Electrical Power in an Energy Harvesting System. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25(12), 1550171, 2015.
  5. Alvar Daza, Alexandre Wagemakers, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán and James A. Yorke. Testing for Basins of Wada. Scientific Reports 5, 16579, 2015.
  6. C. Jeevarathinam, S. Rajasekar and M.A.F. Sanjuán. Vibrational Resonance in the Duffing Oscillator with Distributed Time-Delayed Feedback. Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics4(4), 391-404, 2015.
  7. Sijo K. Joseph, Juan Sabuco, Lock Yue Chew and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Effect of geometry on the classical entanglement in a chaotic optical fiber. Optics Express 23, 32191-32201, 2015.
  8. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. A Certain Uncertainty. Nature's Random Ways, review of a book of the same title by Mark P. Silverman (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014). Contemporary Physics 56(4), 510, 2015.
  9. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. From Strange Simplicity to Complex Familiarity, review of a book of the same title by Manfred Eigen (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013). Contemporary Physics56(3), 401-402, 2015.
  10. Juan C. Vallejo and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. The forecast of predictability for computed orbits in galactic models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society447, 3797-3811, 2015.
  11. J. H. Yang, M. A. F. Sanjuán, H. G. Liu and G. Cheng. Bifurcation Transition and Nonlinear Response in a Fractional-order System. J. Comput. Nonlinear Dyn.10(6), 061017, 2015.
  12. J. H. Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán and H. G. Liu. Signal generation and enhancement in a delayed system. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 22, 1158-1168, 2015.
  13. J. H. Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, F. Tian and H. F. Yang. Saddle-node Bifurcation and Vibrational Resonance in a Fractional System with an Asymmetric Bistable Potential. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 25(2), 1550023, 2015.
  14. J. H. Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán and H. G. Liu. Bifurcation and resonance in a fractional Mathieu-Duffing oscillator. Eur. Phys. J. B 88: 310, 2015.
  15. Samuel Zambrano and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Infinite Horseshoes and Complex Dynamics in Physical Systems. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 22, 866-871, 2015.


  1. S. Rajasekar and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Vibrational resonance in time-delayed nonlinear systems. In X. Fu V. Afraimovich and A. Luo, editors, Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, pages 235-260. Springer-Verlag, 2014.
  2. K. Abirami, S. Rajasekar and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Vibrational and ghost-vibrational resonance in a modified Chua's circuit model equation. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 24, 1430031, 2014.
  3. Fernando Blesa, Jesús M. Seoane, Roberto Barrio and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Effects of periodic forcing in chaotic scattering. Phys. Rev. E89, 042909, 2014.
  4. Rubén Capeáns, Juan Sabuco and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. When less is more: Partial control to avoid extinction of predators in an ecological model. Ecological Complexity19, 1-8, 2014.
  5. Mattia Coccolo, Grzegorz Litak, Jesús Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Energy harvesting enhancement by vibrational resonance. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos24, 1430019, 2014.
  6. Francisco J. Escribano, Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Chaos-Based Turbo Systems in Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers61(2), 530-541, 2014.
  7. Sijo K. Joseph, Lock Yue Chew and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Effect of Squeezing and Planck Constant Dependence in Short Time Semiclassical Entanglement. The European Physics Journal 68, 238, 2014.
  8. Sijo K. Joseph, Lock Yue Chew and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Impact of quantum-classical correspondence on entanglement enhancement by single-mode squeezing. Phys. Lett. A 378, 2603-2010, 2014.
  9. H.G. Enjieu Kadji, J.B. Chabi Orou and M.A.F. Sanjuán. Modulation of synchronization dynamics in a network of self-sustained systems. Commun.Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 19, 656-672, 2014.
  10. Alvaro G. López, Juan Sabuco, Jesús M. Seoane, Jorge Duarte, Cristina Januário and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Avoiding healthy cells extinction in a cancer model. J. Theor. Biol.349, 74-81, 2014.
  11. Alvaro G. López, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. A validated mathematical model of tumor growth including tumor-host interaction, cell-mediated immune response and chemotherapy. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology76, 2884-2906, 2014.
  12. Anders Nordenfelt, Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Cyclic motifs as the governing topological factor in time-delayed oscillator networks. Phys. Rev. E90, 052920, 2014.
  13. Anders Nordenfelt, Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Frequency dispersion in the time delayed Kuramoto model. Phys. Rev. E 89, 032905, 2014.
  14. S. Rajamani, S. Rajasekar and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Ghost-vibrational resonance. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.19, 4003-4012, 2014.
  15. Alexandre Wagemakers, Ernest Barreto, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán and Paul So. Control of Collective Network Chaos. Chaos24, 023127, 2014.
  16. Samuel Zambrano, Juan Sabuco and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. How to minimize the control frequency to sustain transient chaos using partial control. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.19, 726-737, 2014.


  1. Juan Sabuco, Samuel Zambrano and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Further Progress in Partial Control of Chaotic Systems,in: Chaos, CNN, Memristors and Beyond, eds.:Andrew Adamatsky and Guanrong Chen, World Scientific, 2013, pp.393-403.
  2. K. Abirami, S. Rajasekar and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Vibrational Resonance in the Morse Oscillator. Pramana Journal of Physics81, 127-141, 2013.
  3. Juan D. Bernal, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Weakly noisy chaotic scattering. Physical Review E88, 032914, 2013.
  4. Mattia Coccolo, Jesús Seoane, Grzegorz Litak and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Phase Control in the Mass-Spring Model with Non-smooth Stiffness and External Excitation. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos23, 1330042, 2013.
  5. Mattia Coccolo, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Controlling unpredictability in the randomly driven Hénon-Heiles system. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.18, 3449-3457, 2013.
  6. Mattia Coccolo, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Partial Control of Escapes in Chaotic Scatering. Int J. Bifurcation and Chaos23, 1350008, 2013.
  7. Alvar Daza, Alexandre Wagemakers, S. Rajasekar and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Vibrational resonance in a time-delayed genetic toggle switch. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.18, 411-416, 2013.
  8. Alvar Daza, Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Strong Sensitivity of the Vibrational Resonance Induced by Fractal Structures. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos23(7), 1350129, 2013.
  9. C. Jeevarathinam, S. Rajasekar and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Vibrational resonance in groundwater-dependent plant ecosystems. Ecological Complexity15, 33-42, 2013.
  10. C. Jeevarathinam, S. Rajasekar and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Effect of multiple time-delay on vibrational resonance. Chaos23, 013136, 2013.
  11. R. Jothimurugan, K. Thamilmaran, S. Rajasekar and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Experimental evidence for vibrational resonance and enhanced signal transmission in Chua's circuits. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos23, 1350189, 2013.
  12. Alvaro G. López, Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Effective Suppressibility of Chaos. Chaos23, 023107, 2013.
  13. Anders Nordenfelt, Javier Used and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Bursting Frequency versus Phase Synchronization in Time Delayed Neuron Networks. Phys Rev. E87, 052903, 2013.
  14. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Thermal Physics: Concepts and Practice, review of a book of the same title by Allen L. Wasserman (Cambridge University Press, 2012). Contemporary Physics54, 170-171, 2013.
  15. Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. New Developments in Classical Chaotic Scattering. Rep. Prog. Phys.76, 016001, 2013.
  16. B.A. Toledo, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, V. Muñoz, J.Rogan and J.A. Valdivia. Non-smooth transitions in a simple city traffic model analyzed through supertracks. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.18, 81-88, 2013.
  17. Juan Carlos Vallejo and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Predictability of orbits in coupled systems through finite-time Lyapunov exponents. New Journal of Physics15,113064, 2013.
  18. Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Electronic circuit implementation of the chaotic Rulkov neuron model. The Jounal of the Franklin Institute350, 2901-2910, 2013.
  19. J. H. Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, C. J. Wang and H. Zhu. Vibrational resonance in a Duffing system with a generalized delayed feedback. Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics2(4), 395-406, 2013.
  20. J. H. Yang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, W. Xiang and H. Zhu. Pitchfork bifurcation and vibrational resonance in a fractional-order Duffing oscillator. Pramana Journal of Physics81(6), 943-957, 2013.


  1. Fernando Blesa, Jesús M. Seoane, Roberto Barrio, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. To escape or not to escape, that is the question: Perturbing the Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 22, 1230010, 2012.
  2. Ezequiel del Rio, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Sergio Elaskar. Effect of noise on the reinjection probability density in intermittency. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 17, 3587-3596, 2012.
  3. Yao Guo, Wei Lin, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. The efficiency of a random and fast switch in complex dynamical systems. New Journal of Physics 14, 083022, 2012.
  4. Sijo K. Joseph, Inés P. Mariño, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Effect of the phase on the dynamics of a perturbed bouncing ball system. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.17, 3279-3286, 2012.
  5. Grzegorz Litak, Jesús M. Seoane, Samuel Zambrano, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Nonlinear Response of the Mass-spring Model with Non-smooth Stiffness. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos22, 1250006, 2012.
  6. S. Rajasekar, J. Used, A. Wagemakers, and M. A. F. Sanjuán. Vibrational Resonance in Biological Nonlinear Maps. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.17, 3435-3445, 2012.
  7. Juan Sabuco, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and James A. Yorke. Dynamics of Partial Control. CHAOS 22, 047507, 2012.
  8. Juan Sabuco, Samuel Zambrano, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and James A. Yorke. Finding safety in partially controllable chaotic systems. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.17, 4274-4280, 2012.
  9. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Nonlinear Wave Methods for Charge Transport, review of a book of the same title by Luis L. Bonilla and Stephen W. Teitsworth (Wiley-VCH, 2010). Contemporary Physics53(1), 61-62, 2012.
  10. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Stochastic Transport in Complex Systems, review of a book of the same title by Andreas Schadschneider, Debashish Chowdhury and Katsuhiro Nishinari (Elsevier, 2010). Contemporary Physics53(2), 180-181, 2012.
  11. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Noise-Induced Phenomena in Environmental Sciences, review of a book of the same title by Luca Ridolfi, Paolo D'Odorico and Francesco Laio (Cambridge University Press, 2011). Contemporary Physics53, 376, 2012.
  12. Javier Used, Alexandre Wagemakers, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Regularization of map-based neuron models using phase control. Discontinuity, Nonlinearity and Complexity1(1), 69-78, 2012.
  13. A. Wagemakers, F. J. Escribano, L. López, and M. A. F. Sanjuán. Competitive decoders for turbo-like chaos-based systems. IET Commun.6, 1278-1283, 2012.
  14. Alexandre Wagemakers, Samuel Zambrano, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Partial Control of Transient Chaos in Electronic Circuits. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos22, 1250032, 2012.
  15. Qingyun Wang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Guanrong Chen. Transition of phase locking modes in a minimal neuronal network. Neurocomputing 81, 60-66, 2012.


  1. Borja Ibarz, Jose M. Casado, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Map-based models in neuronal dynamics . Physics Reports501(1-2), 1-74, 2011.
  2. C. Jeevarathinam, S. Rajasekar, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Theory and numerics of vibrational resonance in Duffing oscillators with time-delay feedback. Phys. Rev. E 83, 066205, 2011.
  3. S. Jeyakumari, V. Chinnathambi, S. Rajasekar, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Vibrational resonance in an asymmetric Duffing oscillator. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 21, 275-286, 2011.
  4. S. Rajasekar, K.Abirami, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Novel vibrational resonance in multistable systems. CHAOS 21, 033106, 2011.
  5. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Adaptation in Dynamical Systems, review of a book of the same title by Ivan Tyukin (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011). Contemporary Physics 52(6), 635, 2011.
  6. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Concepts in Thermal Physics, review of a book of the same title by Stephen J. Blundell and Katherine M. Blundell, (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010 (second edition)). Contemporary Physics 52(1), 98-98, 2011.
  7. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Basics of Statistical Physics, review of a book of the same title by Harald J. W. Müller-Kirsten, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2010). Contemporary Physics 52(1), 97-98, 2011.
  8. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Preface to the Special Issue on Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaotic Phenomena in Nonlinear Vibrations. Journal of Vibroengineering 13(1), A-B, 2011.
  9. R. L. Viana, E. C. da Silva, T. Kroetz, I. L. Caldas, M. Roberto, and M. A. F. Sanjuán. Fractal structures in nonlinear plasma physics. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc A. 369, 371-395, 2011.


  1. Manuel de León y Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Las Matemáticas y la Física del Caos, eds.: Los libros de la Catarata y CSIC, 2010.
  2. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán and Celso Grebogi, editors. Recent Progress in Controlling Chaos. World Scientific, Singapore, 2010.
  3. Arsen R. Dzhanoev, Alexander Loskutov, James E. Howard and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Chaos stabilization in the three body problem, in: Recent Progress in Controlling Chaos, eds.: Miguel A. F. Sanjuán and Celso Grebogi, World Scientific, Singapore, 2010, pp. 395-408.
  4. Samuel Zambrano and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Partial control of chaotic systems, in: Recent Progress in Controlling Chaos, eds.: Miguel A. F. Sanjuán and Celso Grebogi, World Scientific, Singapore, 2010, pp. 395-408.
  5. Samuel Zambrano, Jesús M. Seoane, Inés P. Mariño, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán and Riccardo Meucci. Phase control in nonlinear systems, in: Recent Progress in Controlling Chaos, eds.: Miguel A. F. Sanjuán and Celso Grebogi, World Scientific, Singapore, 2010, pp. 315-336.
  6. José M. Amigó, Samuel Zambrano, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Permutation complexity of spatiotemporal dynamics. Europhys. Lett. 90, 10007, 2010.
  7. José M. Amigó, Samuel Zambrano, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Detecting determinism in time series with ordinal patterns: A comparative study. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos20, 2915-2924, 2010.
  8. Hongjun Cao, Caixia Wang, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Effect of the Step Size on Bifurcations and Chaos of a Map-based BVP Oscillator. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos20(6), 1789-1796, 2010.
  9. Francisco J. Escribano, Luis López, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Analysis of Chaos-Based Coded Modulations under Intersymbol Interference. Journal of Computers5, 1459-1467, 2010.
  10. Francisco J. Escribano, Luis López, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Improving the Performance of Chaos-Based Modulations via Serial Concatenation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems I:Regular Papers57(2), 448-459, 2010.
  11. S. Rajasekar, S. Jeyakumari, V. Chinnathambi, and M.A.F. Sanjuán. Role of depth and location of minima of a double-well potential on vibrational resonance. Journal of Physics A: Math. & General43, 465101, 2010.
  12. Juan Sabuco, Samuel Zambrano, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Partial control of chaotic transients and escape times. New Journal of Physics12, 113038, 2010.
  13. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Caos y Complejidad en las Ciencias de la Vida. Encuentros MultidisciplinaresXII(34), 40-47, 2010.
  14. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Microscopic Chaos, Fractals and Transport in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, review of a book of the same title by by R. Klages, (World Scientific, Advanced Series in Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 24, Singapore, 2007). Contemporary Physics51(5), 446-447, 2010.
  15. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. An Introduction to Lagrangian Mechanics, review of a book of the same title by A.J. Brizard (World Scientific, Singapore, 2008). Contemporary Physics 51(5), 448, 2010.
  16. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Stochastic Resonance. From Suprathreshold Stochastic Resonance to Stochastic Signal Quantization, review of a book of the same title by by M.D. McDonnell, N.G. Stocks, C.E.M. Pearce and D. Abbott, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008). Contemporary Physics 51(5), 448-449, 2010.
  17. Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Escaping dynamics in presence of dissipation and noise in scattering systems. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 20(9), 2783-2793, 2010.
  18. Jesús M. Seoane, Samuel Zambrano, Inés P. Mariño, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Basin Boundary Metamorphoses and Phase Control. Europhys. Lett. 90, 30002, 2010.
  19. Isao T. Tokuda, Alexandre Wagemakers, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Predicting the synchronization of a network of electronic repressilators. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 20(6), 1751-1760, 2010.
  20. Juan C. Vallejo and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. The Forecast of Predictability and Instability in Physical Modelling. ERCIM News81, 12-13, 2010.
  21. Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Dynamical and Electronic Simulation of Genetic Networks: Modelling and Synchronization. ERCIM News 82, 39-40, 2010.
  22. Samuel Zambrano, Inés P. Mariño, Jesús M. Seoane, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Stefano Euzzor, Andrea Geltrude, and R. Meucci, and F.T. Arecchi. Synchronization of uncoupled excitable systems induced by white and coloured noise. New Journal of Physics 12, 053040, 2010.


  1. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Caos, complejidad e interdisciplinariedad, en: Pensar como un economista. Homenaje al profesor Andrés Fernández Díaz, eds: V. Bóte, L. Escot y José Andrés Fernández,Delta Publicaciones Universitarias SL, Madrid, 2009, pp. 225-234.
  2. Samuel Zambrano and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Partial Control of the Bouncing Ball Map, in: Nonlinear Dynamics, eds.: M. Daniel and S. Rajasekar, Narosa Publishing House, 2009, pp. 343-350.
  3. Jacobo Aguirre, Ricardo L. Viana, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Fractal Structures in Nonlinear Dynamics. Rev. Mod. Phys. 81(1), 333-386, 2009.
  4. Hongjun Cao and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. A Mechanism for Elliptic-like Bursting and Synchronization of Bursts in a Map-Based Neuron Network. Cognitive Processing10(1), 23, 2009.
  5. Francisco J. Escribano, Slobodan Kozic, Luis López, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Martin Hasler. Turbo-Like Structures for Chaos Coding and Decoding. IEEE Transactions on Communications57(3), 597-601, 2009.
  6. S. Jeyakumari, V. Chinnathambi, S. Rajasekar, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Analysis of vibrational resonance in a quintic oscillator. CHAOS 19, 043128, 2009.
  7. S. Jeyakumari, V. Chinnathambi, S. Rajasekar, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Single and multiple vibrational resonance in a quintic oscillator with monostable potentials. Phys. Rev. E80, 046608, 2009.
  8. Minvydas Ragulskis, Edita Sukyte, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. A new mechanical model for particle transport by surface waves and applications. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2009, 731358, 2009.
  9. V. Ravichandran, S. Jeyakumari, V. Chinnathambi, S. Rajasekar, and M.A.F. Sanjuán. Role of asymmetries in the chaotic dynamics of the double-well Duffing oscillator. Pramana J of Physics 72, 927-937, 2009.
  10. Jesús M. Seoane, Liang Huang, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Ying-Cheng Lai. Effect of noise on chaotic scattering. Phys. Rev. E79, 047202, 2009.
  11. Martin Siewe Siewe, Hongjun Cao, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. On the Occurrence of Chaos in a Parametrically Driven Extended Rayleigh Oscillator with Three-well Potential. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 41, 772, 2009.
  12. Martin Siewe Siewe, Hongjun Cao, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Effect of nonlinear dissipation on the boundaries of basin of attraction in two-well Rayleigh-Duffing oscillators. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals39(3), 1092-1099, 2009.
  13. Alexandre Wagemakers, Javier M. Buldú, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Oscar de Luis, Adriana Izquierdo, and Antonio Coloma. Entraining synthetic genetic oscillators. CHAOS19, 033139, 2009.
  14. Samuel Zambrano, Inés P. Mariño, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Controlling crisis-induced intermittency using its relation with a boundary crisis. New Journal of Physics11, 023025, 2009.
  15. Samuel Zambrano and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Exploring Partial Control of Chaotic Systems. Phys. Rev. E79, 026217, 2009.


  1. Alexandre Wagemakers. Electronic Modelling of Complex Dynamics. PhD Thesis, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2008.
  2. Arsen R. Dzhanoev, Alexander Loskutov, James E. Howard, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Stabilized Chaos in The Sitnikov Problem, in: Chaos in Astronomy, eds:. G. Contopoulos and P. A. Patsis,Springer-Verlag, 2008.
  3. Samuel Zambrano and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Differential Equations, Chaos and Variational Problems, chapter Control of transient chaos using safe sets in simple dynamical systems, in: Differential Equations, Chaos and Variational Problems, eds.: V. Staicu, Birkhauser Publishing Ltd, 2008, pp. 425-435. ISBN:978-3-7643-8481-4.
  4. José M. Amigó, Samuel Zambrano, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Combinatorial detection of determinism in noisy time series. Europhys. Lett.83, 60005, 2008.
  5. Francisco J. Escribano, Luis López, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Performance Evaluation of Parallel Concatenated Chaos Coded Modulations. Journal of Communications Software and Systems 4(2), 159-165, 2008.
  6. Francisco J. Escribano, Luis López, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Chaos Coded Modulations over Rician and Rayleigh Flat Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II 55(6), 581-585, 2008.
  7. Borja Ibarz, Hongjun Cao, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Bursting regimes in map-based neuron models coupled through fast threshold modulation. Phys. Rev. E77,051918, 2008.
  8. Minvydas Ragulskis and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Chaotic pattern of unsmoothed isochromatics around the regions of concentrated stresses. Computers and Graphics 32, 116-119, 2008.
  9. Minvydas Ragulskis and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Transport of particles by surface waves:a modification of the classical bouncer model. New Journal of Physics 10(8), 083017, 2008.
  10. Jesús M. Seoane and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Exponential Decay and Scaling Laws in Noisy Chaotic Scattering. Phys. Lett. A372, 110-116, 2008.
  11. Jesús M. Seoane, Samuel Zambrano, Stefano Euzzor, R. Meucci, F.T. Arecchi, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Avoiding escapes in open dynamical systems using phase control. Phys. Rev. E78, 016205, 2008.
  12. Jesús M. Seoane, Samuel Zambrano, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Teaching Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos for Beginners. Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. 2(3), 205-211, 2008.
  13. Juan C. Vallejo, Ricardo L. Viana, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Local predictability and nonhyperbolicity through finite Lyapunov exponent distributions in two-degrees-of-freedom Hamiltonian systems. Phys. Rev. E78, 066204, 2008.
  14. Alexandre Wagemakers, Javier M. Buldú, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Experimental demonstration of bidirectional chaotic communication by means of isochronal synchronization. Europhys. Lett. 81, 40005, 2008.
  15. Samuel Zambrano, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and James A. Yorke. Partial Control of Chaotic Systems. Phys. Rev. E 77, 055201(R), 2008.
  16. Samuel Zambrano, Jesús M. Seoane, Inés P. Mariño, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Stefano Euzzor, R. Meucci, and F.T. Arecchi. Phase control of excitable systems. New Journal of Physics 10, 073030, 2008.
  17. Hongjun Cao and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. A Numerical Mechanism for Square-Wave or Ellliptic Bursting of Bursts in a Map-Based Neuron Network, in Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics-2007, eds.: Rubin Wang, Enhua Shen and Fanji Gu, Shangai, PR China, 2008, pp. 115-117.
  18. Francisco J. Escribano, Luis López, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Effects of Intersymbol Interference on Chaos-Based Modulations, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems-2008, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2008.
  19. Samuel Zambrano and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Partial control of a system with fractal basin boundaries, in: Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics'34: 34th International Conference, eds.:Michail D. Todorov, 2008, pp. 94-102.


  1. Physics of Complex Systems and Life Sciences, eds.: Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Research Signpost, India, 2007. ISBN:978-81-308-0170-4.
  2. Francisco J. Escribano Aparicio. Communications Systems Based on Chaos. PhD Thesis, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2007.
  3. Borja Ibarz Gabardós. A Map-Based Approach to Neuronal Dynamics. PhD Thesis, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2007.
  4. Jesús M. Seoane Sepulveda. Effects of Weak Perturbations in Open Hamiltonian Systems. PhD Thesis, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2007.
  5. Samuel Zambrano Silva. Controlling Complex Dynamics. PhD Thesis, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2007.
  6. Jacobo Aguirre and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Mathematical modelling of the pancreatic beta cell, in:Physics of Complex Systems and Life Sciences, Research Signpost, India, 2007, pp. 1-20. ISBN:978-81-308-0170-4.
  7. Alexandre Wagemakers and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Simulation of a genetic oscillator with electronic circuits, in: Physics of Complex Systems and Life Sciences, Research Signpost, India, 2007, pp.193-202. ISBN:978-81-308-0170-4.
  8. Samuel Zambrano, Jose. M. Casado, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Chaos as a possible signal enhancer in biological systems, in: Physics of Complex Systems and Life Sciences, Research Signpost, India, 2007, pp.203-212. ISBN:978-81-308-0170-4.
  9. Juan A. Almendral, Joao Oliveira, Luis López, Jose F. F. Mendes, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. The Network of Scientific Collaborations within the European Framework Programme. Physica A384, 675-683, 2007.
  10. Juan A. Almendral, Joao Oliveira, Luis López, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Jose F. F. Mendes. The interplay of university and industry through the FP5 network. New Journal of Physics 9, 183, 2007.
  11. José M. Amigó, Samuel Zambrano, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. True and false forbidden patterns in deterministic and random dynamics. Europhys. Lett.79, 50001, 2007.
  12. Javier M. Buldú, Jordi García-Ojalvo, Alexandre Wagemakers, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Electronic design of synthetic genetic networks. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos17, 3507-3511, 2007.
  13. Javier M. Buldú, Alexandre Wagemakers, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Antonio Coloma, y Oscar de Luís. Redes genéticas sintéticas: de lo simple a lo complejo. Revista Española de Física 21(3), 10-16, 2007.
  14. Hongjun Cao, Jesús M. Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Symmetry-Breaking Analysis for the General Helmholtz-Duffing Oscillator. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals34, 197-212, 2007.
  15. Reik Donner, Fred Feudel, Norbert Seehafer, and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán. Hierarchical Modelling of a Forced Roberts Dynamo. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos17, 3589 - 3593, 2007.
  16. Arsen R. Dzhanoev, Alexander Loskutov, Hongjun Cao, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. A New Mechanism of the Chaos Suppression. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B7(2), 275-284, 2007.
  17. Borja Ibarz, Jose Manuel Casado, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Patterns in inhibitory networks of simple map neurons. Phys. Rev. E 75, 041911, 2007.
  18. Borja Ibarz, Gouhei Tanaka, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Kazuyuki Aihara. Sensitivity versus resonance in two-dimensional spiking-bursting neuron models. Phys. Rev. E 75, 041902, 2007.
  19. I. P. Mariño, Samuel Zambrano, Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, F. Salvadori, R. Meucci, and F.T. Arecchi. Adaptive Procedure for the Parameter Estimation of a Model of a CO2 Chaotic Laser. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos17, 3639-3643, 2007.
  20. Jefferson S.E. Portela, Ibere L. Caldas, Ricardo L. Viana, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Fractal and Wada Exit Basin Boundaries in Tokamaks. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos17(11), 4067-4080, 2007.
  21. Minvydas Ragulskis, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Loreta Saunoriene. Applicability of time average moiré techniques for chaotic oscillations. Phys. Rev. E76, 036208, 2007.
  22. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. La Física al Encuentro de la Complejidad. ARBOR CLXXXIII (728), 889-898, 2007.
  23. Jesús M. Seoane, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Ying-Cheng Lai. Fractal dimension in dissipative chaotic scattering. Phys. Rev. E 76, 016208, 2007.
  24. Isao T. Tokuda, Alexandre Wagemakers, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Predicting Synchronization of an Electronic Genetic Network. Bussei Kenkyu87(4), 550-552, 2007.
  25. Alexandre Wagemakers, Javier M. Buldú, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Isochronous synchronization in mutually coupled chaotic circuits. Chaos 17(2), 023128, 2007.
  26. Samuel Zambrano, Jose Manuel Casado, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Chaos-Induced Resonant Effects and Its Control. Phys. Lett. A 366, 428-432, 2007.
  27. Borja Ibarz, Hongjun Cao, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Map-Based Neuron Networks. In J. Marro, P. L. Garrido, and J. J. Torres, editors, Cooperative Behavior in Neural Systems. Ninth Granada Lectures887, 69-76, 2007. AIP Proceedings.


  1. Juan A. Almendral. Dynamics and Topology in Complex Networks. PhD Thesis, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2006.
  2. Jacobo Aguirre and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Fractalidad extrema e indeterminación clásica en sistemas dinámicos. La Gaceta Matemática de la Real Sociedad Española de Matemáticas 9, 43-57, 2006.
  3. Reik Donner, Norbert Seehafer, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Fred Feudel. Low dimensional dynamo modelling and symmetry breaking bifurcations. Physica D 223, 151-162, 2006.
  4. Francisco J. Escribano, Luis López, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Evaluation of Channel Coding and Decoding Algorithms using Discrete Chaotic Maps. Chaos 16, 013103, 2006.
  5. Francisco J. Escribano, Luis López, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Exploiting Symbolic Dynamics in Chaos Based Coded Communications with a Maximum a Posteriori Algorithm. Electronics Letters 42(17), 984-986, 2006.
  6. Inmaculada Leyva, Irene Sendiña-Nadal, Juan A. Almendral, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Sparse repulsive coupling enhances synchronization in complex networks. Phys. Rev. E 74, 056112, 2006.
  7. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Boltzmann, Caos y Mecanica Estadistica. Revista Española de Física 20(4), 24-27, 2006.
  8. Jesús M. Seoane, Jacobo Aguirre, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Ying-Cheng Lai. Basin Topology in Dissipative Chaotic Scattering. Chaos 16, 023101, 2006.
  9. Gouhei Tanaka, Borja Ibarz, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Kazuyuki Aihara. Synchronization and Propagation of Bursts in a Ring of Coupled Map Neurons. Chaos 16, 013113, 2006.
  10. Juan C. Vallejo and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Characterizing the Local Instability of Orbits in Broad Parameter Spaces. ERCIM News 65, 31-32, 2006.
  11. Alexandre Wagemakers, Javier M. Buldú, Jordi García-Ojalvo, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Synchronization of electronic genetic networks. Chaos 16, 013127, 2006.
  12. Alexandre Wagemakers, José M. Casado, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Kazuyuki Aihara. Building electronic bursters with the Morris-Lecar neuron model. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos16(12), 3617-3630, 2006.
  13. Samuel Zambrano, Stefano Brugioni, Enrico Allaria, Inmaculada Leyva, Riccardo Meucci, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Fortunato Tito Arecchi. Numerical and Experimental Exploration of Phase Control of Chaos. Chaos 16, 013111, 2006.
  14. Samuel Zambrano, I. P. Mariño, F. Salvadori, R. Meucci, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and F.T. Arecchi. Phase control of intermittency in dynamical systems. Phys. Rev. E 74, 016202, 2006.
  15. Borja Ibarz, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán,Gouhei Tanaka, and Kazuyuki Aihara. Motifs d'activité et itinérance chaotiquedans des réseaux de neurones en temps discret, in: Compte-Rendus de la 9ème Rencontre du non-linéaire 2006, eds.:M. Lefranc, C. Lettelier, and L. Pastur, Non-Linéaire Publications,Orsay, 2006, pp 129-134.
  16. Alexandre Wagemakers, Javier M. Buldú, Jordi García-Ojalvo, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Des Circuits et des Gênes, in: Compte-Rendus de la 9ème Rencontre du non-linéaire 2006, eds.:M. Lefranc, C. Lettelier, and L. Pastur, Non-Linéaire Publications, Orsay, 2006, pp. 249-254.


  1. Juan A. Almendral, Luis López, Vicent Cholvi, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Congestion Schemes and Nash Equilibrium in Complex Networks. Physica A 355, 602-618, 2005.
  2. Fred Feudel, Annette Witt, Markus Gellert, Juergen Kurths, Celso Grebogi, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Intersections of stable and unstable manifolds: the skeleton of Lagrangian chaos. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 24, 947-956, 2005.
  3. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. The Theory of Chaotic Attractors. B. Hunt, J. Kennedy, T-Y Li and H. Nusse (eds.). Springer-Verlag, 2004. Revista Española de Física, 19(2):57-58, 2005.
  4. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán y José M. Casado. Dinámica No Lineal: orígenes y Futuro. Revista de la Unión Iberoamericana de Sociedades de Física 1(1), 23-31, 2005.
  5. Gouhei Tanaka, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Kazuyuki Aihara. Crisis-induced intermittency in two coupled chaotic maps: Towards understanding chaotic itinerancy. Phys. Rev. E 71, 016219, 2005.
  6. Francisco J. Escribano, Luis López, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Iterativelly decoding chaos encoded binary signals, in: Proceedings of the Eigth International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA'2005) 28-31 August, IEEE, Sydney, Australia, 2005, pp. 275-278,
  7. Borja Ibarz, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Kazuyuki Aihara. Oscillations sous-seuil et réponse stationnaire dans des modèles neuronaux simples de conductance, in: Compte-Rendus de la 8ème Rencontre du non-linéaire 2005, eds.:J.-R. Chazottes, A. Joets, C. Lettelier, and R.Ribotta, Non-Linéaire Publications,Orsay, 2005, pp. 121-126.
  8. Alexandre Wagemakers, José M. Casado, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Kazuyuki Aihara. Bifurcations dans un circuit electronique du neurone de Morris-Lecar, in: Compte-Rendus de la 8ème Rencontre du non-linéaire 2005, eds.:J.-R. Chazottes, A. Joets, C. Lettelier, and R.Ribotta, Non-Linéaire Publications, Orsay, 2005, pp. 259-364.
  9. Samuel Zambrano, José M. Casado, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Résonances dans un système chaotique, in: Compte-Rendus de la 8ème Rencontre du non-linéaire 2005, eds.:J.-R. Chazottes, A. Joets, C. Lettelier, and R.Ribotta, Non-Linéaire Publications, Orsay, 2005, pp. 265-270.


  1. Jacobo Aguirre. Uncertainty in Nonlinear Dynamics: Fractal structures, cellular models and control of chaos. PhD Thesis, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2004.
  2. Jacobo Aguirre, Francesco d'Ovidio, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Controlling chaotic transients: Yorke's Game of Survival. Phys. Rev. E 69, 016203, 2004. Note: It has been selected for inclusion in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 7(3) 2004, see
  3. Jacobo Aguirre, Erik Mosekilde, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Analysis of the noise-induced bursting-spiking transition in a pancreatic beta-cell model. Phys. Rev. E 69, 041910, 2004. Note: It has been selected for inclusion in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 7(9) 2004, see
  4. Jacobo Aguirre and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Incertidumbre Clásica, Dispersión Caótica y Estructuras Fractales en Física. Revista Española de Física 18(3), 23-27, 2004.
  5. Juan A. Almendral, Jesús Seoane, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. The Nonlinear Dynamics of the Helmholtz Oscillator. Recent Research Developments in Sound and Vibration 2, 115-150, 2004.
  6. Jose M. Casado, Borja Ibarz, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Winnerless Competition in Networks of Coupled Neurons. Modern Physics Letters B 18(26-27), 1347-1366, 2004.
  7. Inés P. Mariño, Enrico Allaria, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Riccardo Meucci, and Fortunato T. Arecchi. Coupling scheme for complete synchronization of periodically forced chaotic CO2 lasers. Phys. Rev. E70, 036208, 2004.
  8. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. La Complejidad en la Ciencia. Analisis Madrid+d, 2004.
  9. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Royston M, Roberts. Serendipia. Descubrimientos accidentales en la ciencia. Alianza Editorial-Ciencia y Técnica, Madrid, 2004. 392 pág. Información madri+d / Reseñas / Ensayos, 2004.
  10. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Algunas preguntas en torno a la ciencia española de hoy. Revista Española de Física18(2), 14, 2004.
  11. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. The Theory of Chaotic Attractors. B. Hunt, J. Kennedy, T-Y Li and H. Nusse (eds.). Springer-Verlag, 2004. La Gaceta Matemática de la Real Sociedad Española de Matemáticas, 2004.
  12. Juan A. Almendral, Luis López, Vicent Cholvi, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Oblivious Router Policies and Nash Equilibrium, in: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'2004), 2004.
  13. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Jacobo Aguirre, and Francesco d'Ovidio. Le jeu de la survie en dynamique non linéaire, in: Compte-Rendus de la 7eme Rencontre du non-linéaire 2004, eds.:Y. Pomeau and R. Ribotta, Non-Linéaire Publications, Orsay, 2004, pp. 263-268.


  1. Luis López Fernández. Information, communication and nonlinearity: from the simple elements to the complex networks. PhD Thesis, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2003.
  2. Jacobo Aguirre and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Limit of small exits in open Hamiltonian systems. Phys. Rev. E 67, 056201, 2003.
  3. Jacobo Aguirre, Juan Carlos Vallejo, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Wada basins and unpredictability in hamiltonian and dissipative systems. International Journal of Modern Physics B 17(22-23-24), 4171-4175, 2003.
  4. Juan A. Almendral, Luis López, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Information flow in generalized hierarchical networks. Physica A 324, 695-710, 2003. Note: It has been selected for inclusion in the electronic only Econophysics Virtual Journal, see
  5. Juan A. Almendral and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Integrability and Symmetries of the Helmholtz oscillator with Friction. Journal of Physics A: Math. & General 36, 695-710, 2003.
  6. José P. Baltanás, Luis López, Ilja I. Blechman, Polina S. Landa, Alexei Zaikin, Juergen Kurths, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Experimental evidence, numerics and theory of vibrational resonance in bistable systems. Phys. Rev. E 67, 066119, 2003.
  7. José M. Casado and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Los físicos y las neurociencias. Revista Española de Física17(5), 57-62, 2003.
  8. Luis López, Juan A. Almendral, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Complex networks and the WWW market. Physica A 324, 754-758, 2003.
  9. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Caos y Fractales: Conceptos Universales de la Ciencia de la Complejidad. Japan Prize 2003. La Gaceta Matemática de la Real Sociedad Española de Matemáticas 6, 81-88, 2003.
  10. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Takehiko Horita, and Kazuyuki Aihara. Opening a closed Hamiltonian system. Chaos 13(1), 17-24, 2003.
  11. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Conceptos Universales en Física No Lineal: Caos y Fractales. Japan Prize 2003. Revista Española de Física, 17, 5-7, 2003.
  12. José L. Trueba, José P. Baltanás, Fred Feudel, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. On the estimate of the stochastic layer width for a model of tracer dynamics. Chaos 13(3), 866-873, 2003.
  13. José Luis Trueba, José Pablo Baltanás, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. A generalized perturbed pendulum. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals15, 911-924, 2003.
  14. Juan Carlos Vallejo, Jacobo Aguirre, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Characterization of the local instability in the Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian. Phys. Lett. A 311, 26-38, 2003.
  15. Juan Carlos Vallejo, Inés P. Mariño, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, and Juergen Kurths. Controlling chaos in a fluid flow past a moveable cylinder. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 15, 255-263, 2003.
  16. Jacobo Aguirre and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Structures fractales et capacité de prédiction dans certains systes dynamiques non linéaires. in: Compte-Rendus de la 6 eme Rencontre du non-linéaire 2003, eds.:Y. Pomeau and R. Ribotta, Non-Linéaire Publications, Orsay, 2003, pp. 265-270.
  17. Juan A. Almendral, Luis López, Jose F. Mendes, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Complex Networks and Socioeconomic Applications, in: AIP Conf. Proc. 661, 2003, pp. 253.
  18. Luis López and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Information et réseaux complexes dans la société,in: Compte-Rendus de la 6 eme Rencontre du non-linéaire 2003, eds.:Y. Pomeau and R. Ribotta, Non-Linéaire Publications , Orsay, 2003, pp. 185-190.


  1. Jacobo Aguirre and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Unpredictable behavior in the Duffing oscillator: Wada basins. Physica D 171, 41--51, 2002.
  2. José Pablo Baltanás, José Luis Trueba, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Nonlinearly damped oscillators. Recent Research Developments in Sound and Vibration 1, 29-61, 2002.
  3. José Pablo Baltanás, Alexey Zaikin, Juergen Kurths Fred Feudel, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Noise-induced effects on the chaotic advection of fluid flow. Phys. Lett. A 297, 396-401, 2002.
  4. Murilo Baptista and Luis López. Information transfer in chaos-based communication. Physical Review E (Rapid Communications)65, 055201(R), 2002.
  5. Elton C. da Silva, Ibere L. Caldas, Ricardo L. Viana, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Escape patterns, magnetic footprints, and homoclinic tangles due to ergodic magnetic limiters. Physics of Plasmas 9(12), 4917-4928, 2002.
  6. Luis López, José F. F. Mendes, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Hierarchical social networks and information flow. Physica A 316, 695-708, 2002.
  7. Luis López and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Relation between structure and size in social networks. Phys. Rev. E 65, 036107, 2002.
  8. Irene Sendiña Nadal and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Sistemas lineales y no lineales: del oscilador armónico al oscilador caótico. Revista Española de Física 16, 30-35, 2002.
  9. Inés Pérez-Mariño, Luis López, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Channel coding in communications using chaos. Phys. Lett. A 295, 185-191, 2002.
  10. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Dynamical Systems with Applications using Maple. Reseña de Libro. La Gaceta Matemática de la Real Sociedad Española de Matemáticas 5, 107-108, 2002.
  11. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Dynamical Systems with Applications using MAPLE. S. Lynch. Birkhäuser, Boston, 2000. Revista Española de Física16, 66-67, 2002.
  12. Alexei Zaikin, Luis López, José P. Baltanás, Juergen Kurths, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Vibrational Resonance in a Noise-induced Structure. Phys. Rev. E 66, 011106, 2002.
  13. Inés P. Mariño, Luis López, Joaquín Miguez, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. A Novel Channel Coding Scheme based on Continuous-time chaotic dynamics, in: Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002), volume II, 2002, pp. 1321-1324.


  1. Jacobo Aguirre, Juan Carlos Vallejo, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Chaotic Invariant Sets and Fractal Structures in the Hénon-Heiles System. Monografías Seminario Matemático ''Garcìa de Galdeano'' 21, 45-52, 2001.
  2. Jacobo Aguirre, Juan Carlos Vallejo, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Wada basin and chaotic invariant sets in the Hénon-Heiles system. Phys. Rev. E 64, 066208, 2001.
  3. José Pablo Baltanás, José Luis Trueba, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Energy dissipation in a nonlinearly damped Duffing oscillator. Physica D 159, 22-34, 2001.
  4. Luis López and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Defining strategies to win in the Internet Market. Physica A 301, 512-534, 2001.
  5. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán y David Rios Insua. Un Proyecto de Programa en Ingenieria Matemática, en: Segundas Jornadas de Innovación Docente del Área de Matemática Aplicada: La Enseñanza de las Matemáticas y el Proyecto Europa, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2001, pp. 61-68..


  1. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. La Herradura de Smale, en: Fotografiando las Matemáticas, Editorial Carroggio, 2000, pp. 84-87.
  2. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. La Física y sus libros en el Año Internacional de las Matemáticas. Revista Española de Física5, 2000.Nota: Número especial conmemorativo del Año Internacional de las Matemáticas.
  3. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Crítica del libro: Dinámica Caótica en Economía (Teoría y Aplicaciones), Andrés Fernández Díaz, McGraw-Hill, Madrid, 2000. Revista Española de Física 14, 59-60, 2000.
  4. José Luis Trueba, Joaquín Rams, and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Analytical estimates of the effect of nonlinear damping in some nonlinear oscillators. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 10(9), 2257-2267, 2000.
  5. Juan Carlos Vallejo and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Dinámica No Lineal y Astrofísica. Revista Española de Física 14, 20-26, 2000.


  1. Judy Kennedy, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, James A. Yorke, and Celso Grebogi. The Topology of Fluid Flow past a sequence of cylinders. Topology and its Applications 94, 207-242, 1999.
  2. Gonzalo Alvarez Marañon and Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Comunicaciones Seguras utilizando señales caóticas. Revista Española de Física 13, 23-27, 1999.
  3. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Reply to Comment to ''Liénard systems, limit cycles, and Melnikov theory''. Phys. Rev. E 59(2), 2485-2486, 1999.
  4. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. The effect of nonlinear damping on the universal escape oscillator. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 9(4), 735-744, 1999.


  1. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Un nuevo tipo de estructuras bidimensionales estables: los oscilones. Revista Española de Física 12, 14-18, 1998.
  2. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Subharmonic Bifurcations in a Pendulum Parametrically Excited by a Non-harmonic Perturbation. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 9(6), 995-1003, 1998.
  3. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Using nonharmonic forcing to switch the periodicity in nonlinear systems. Phys. Rev. E58(4), 4377-4382, 1998.
  4. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. La Geofísica: Complejidad en las Ciencias de la Tierra y en las Ciencias Ambientales. Revista Española de Física12, 68-71, 1998.
  5. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Liénard Systems, limit cycles and Melnikov theory. Phys. Rev. E57(1), 340-344, 1998.


  1. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Judy Kennedy, Celso Grebogi, and James A. Yorke. Indecomposable Continua in Dynamical Systems with Noise: Fluid Flow past an Array of Cylinders. Chaos 7(1), 125-138, 1997.
  2. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Judy Kennedy, Edward Ott, and James A. Yorke. Indecomposable Continua and the characterization of strange sets in Nonlinear Dynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett.78(10), 1892-1895, 1997.


  1. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Homoclinic bifurcation sets of driven nonlinear oscillators. Int. J. of Theor. Phys. 35, 1745-1752, 1996.
  2. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Remarks on transitions order-chaos induced by the shape of the periodic excitation in a parametric pendulum. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals7(3), 435-440, 1996.
  3. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Nuevas tendencias en la Física: La Física Interdisciplinaria. Revista Española de Física 10, 3-5, 1996.
  4. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Symmetry-restoring crises, period-adding and chaotic transitions in the cubic Van der Pol oscillator. J. of Sound and Vibration193(4), 863-875, 1996.


  1. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Comments on the hamiltonian formulation for linear and nonlinear oscillators including dissipation. Journal of Sound and Vibration185(4), 734-736, 1995.
  2. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. La Mecánica Estadística del No Equilibrio y la Teoría del Caos. Del Caos Dinámico al Caos Molecular. Revista Española de Física 9, 24-27, 1995.
  3. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Chaotic behaviour in a parametrically driven reduction of a perturbed Burgers-Korteweg-de Vries equation, in: Fluctuation Phenomena: Disorder and Nonlinearity, eds.:L. Vázquez y S. Jimenez y A. Bishop, World Scientific, 1995, pp 28.
  4. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán y José Rojo. Generación de Burbujas en Sistemas Dinámicos Caóticos, in: Actas de la XIII C.E.D.Y.A. (Congreso de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Aplicaciones) y III Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, UPM, 1995.


  1. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Chaos and Pseudochaos. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Mathematica et Physica 33, 129-134, 1992.
  2. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Schrödinger. Life and Thought, Walter Moore, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989. Revista Española de Física 6, 64-65, 1992.
  3. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Generación y Supresión del caos por métodos numéricos. Revista Española de Física6, 14-17, 1992.


  1. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. ¿Qué te importa lo que piensen los demás? R. P. Feynman. Alianza Editorial. Madrid. 1990. Revista Española de Física 5, 48, 1991.
  2. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán, Juan L. Valero, and Manuel G. Velarde. Dissipative Hydrodynamics oscillators. VII. The Two-component Lorenz Model as a Duffing Oscillator, and Integrability. Il Nuovo Cimento D13, 913-918, 1991.


  1. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Group Contraction and the nine Cayley-Klein geometries. Int. J. of Theor. Phys. 23, 1-14, 1984.


  1. Miguel A. F. Sanjuán. Geometría y Cinemática, en: Actas de las IX Jornadas Matemáticas Hispano-Lusas, eds.: Editorial Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, 1982, volumen II, pp. 901-904.